

Sharing reports that spread false, inaccurate, biased or racist content defaming the native Chaldean people of Mesopotamia Iraq. This is a permanent record for the Chaldean people to expose racism, biased opinions and pure disregards to our native Chaldeans of Iraq. Triggering persecution of Chaldeans. The true native people of Mesopotamia.

ChaldoPhobia Page

Chaldophobia – (Also known as anti-Chaldean)is prejudice against, hatred of, or intolerance towards Chaldeans as an ethnic, religious, or racial people...
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The Lie of the Assyrian Hypothesis

Dr . Gorgis Mardo This article of mine is a response to what the Assyrian preacher Ashur Georgis wrote on the Katitabat...

United States of America defeats racism against Chaldean People by the political assyrians –...

In October 2000, The United States of America and Bureau of Census won a civil case on behalf of ethnic Chaldean people...

Akitu 7323 … The native Chaldean New Year of Mesopotamia

The AKITU Chaldean New Year celebration is a native festival that dates back to more than 7,300 years and is...