I am Chaldean, speak Chaldean and from the Chaldean Nation.  No one will tell...

"I am Chaldean, speak Chaldean and from the Chaldean Nation.  No one will tell me who I am!" "For 2,500 years, my Chaldean nation survived...

الهوية الكلدانية في الوثائق التاريخية

الهوية الكلدانية في الوثائق التاريخية   النص الكامل لبحث المطران د. سرهد يوسپ جـمّو عند قدوم رسل المسيح الى بلاد النهرين وفارس، كانت هذه البقاع تحت سيطرة...

The Chaldean Renaissance: Basic Outline of a Vision

The Chaldean Renaissance: Basic Outline of a Vision By Bishop Dr. Sarhad Y. Jammo I- Dialectic of the Contemporary Situation: 1) Observing the Chaldeans Themselves: A fair observer must conclude that...

Chaldean Nation Road Map by Bishop Dr. Sarhad Jammo

By Bishop Dr. Sarhad Y. Jammo I- The Chaldean Nation A- Identity: Ancient Iraq, or Mesopotamia, has a rich and complex history and culture. Sumerian and Akkadian...

Don’t throw Chaldeans in the Lion’s Den

The United States of America known as the land of the free and the one who embraces the humble, the poor and the persecuted,...

Trump Not an anti-Muslims

President Donald Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia is the epiphany of greater America. He's the first president who boldly introduced the Western values without...

Trump’s Dump moves to Canada

The influx of refugees from USA to CANADA is a warning sign of destruction. It might take U.S. Intelligence and past experience to expel...

كلدانية الاثوريون .. حقيقة تاريخية دامغة (بحث شامل و موسع بالوثائق ) الجزء...

كلدانية الاثوريون .. حقيقة تاريخية دامغة (بحث شامل و موسع بالوثائق ) الجزء الأول لا يمكن الادعاء ابداً ان هنالك قومية اشورية مستمرة في...

Who Are The Modern Day Assyrians?

  In the field of Near Eastern Studies, one is bound to study the civilization of the Great Assyrian Empire, chiefly that of the Neo-Assyrian...

Chaldeanism of the Athorees (modern Assyrians) … irrefutable historical facts / Part I

Chaldeanism of the Athorees (modern Assyrians) ... irrefutable historical facts (thorough research and extensive documentation) / Part I No one can claim that there is...
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The Lie of the Assyrian Hypothesis

Dr . Gorgis Mardo This article of mine is a response to what the Assyrian preacher Ashur Georgis wrote on the Katitabat...

United States of America defeats racism against Chaldean People by the political assyrians –...

In October 2000, The United States of America and Bureau of Census won a civil case on behalf of ethnic Chaldean people...

Akitu 7323 … The native Chaldean New Year of Mesopotamia

The AKITU Chaldean New Year celebration is a native festival that dates back to more than 7,300 years and is...