“The (Chaldean) Fathers stress the Chaldean identity and language and rejected other labels and...
By Chaldean Synod, Rome, Italy
Our Chaldean language and Chaldean ethnicity is our soul and native heritage ...
First Chaldean Language Dictionary in America. Chicago 1924
"The First Chaldean-English Dictionary" By Chaldean priest Samuel David, Chicago Illinois, 1924
ChaldoPhobia Page
Chaldophobia – (Also known as anti-Chaldean)is prejudice against, hatred of, or intolerance towards Chaldeans as an ethnic, religious, or racial people...
How Did Chaldeans Compute Their National Calendar, 5300 BC to Present?
DOWNLOAD and SHARE the ARTICLE"How did Chaldeans compute their National Calendar, 5300 BC to Present?"Download
On the occasion...
Iraqi Chaldeans, Syriacs and Assyrians are entitled to their full civil rights
Republishing Chaldean Bishop Mar Sarhad Jammo, PHD statement from 2006
The regional map of the Middle East, particularly Iraq,...
AKITU 7321 Chaldean Babylonian New Year
Chaldean people celebration of native Chaldean history and Mesopotamian culture.
Starts on the first day of...
Pope Francis names Chaldean Patriarch Mar Louis Raphael Sako as Cardinal
Congratulations to the new Catholic Cardinal, Chaldean Patriarch Louis Raphaël I Sako, Chaldean Catholic Patriarch of Babylon and the Head of the Chaldean...
Why did the mercenaries wail intensified?
Dr. Gorgis Mardo, PHD
It is not hidden from the mercenaries to falsify the real facts to comply...
Akitu 7323 … The native Chaldean New Year of Mesopotamia
The AKITU Chaldean New Year celebration is a native festival that dates back to more than 7,300 years and is...
كلدانية الاثوريون .. حقيقة تاريخية دامغة (بحث شامل و موسع بالوثائق ) الجزء...
كلدانية الاثوريون .. حقيقة تاريخية دامغة (بحث شامل و موسع بالوثائق ) الجزء الأول
لا يمكن الادعاء ابداً ان هنالك قومية اشورية مستمرة في...