In October 2000, The United States of America and Bureau of Census won a civil case on behalf of ethnic Chaldean people and defeated racism instigated by the so called Assyrian National Congress of America and its racist president Sargon Dadesho. Wasting American tax payers funds to defeat the racist lawsuit by the political assyrians.US Civil Case F005376
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California on March 3, 2000, filed by the Assyrian National Congress of America (ANCA) a known biased political entity led by a racist political assyrian called Sargon Dadesho as their president. The defendants were the Bureau of the Census, the U.S. Department of Commerce , and the United States of America .
When the Census Bureau announced its plans for publishing Census 2000 data relating to the long form question on ancestry, it noted that “Assyrian , ” “Chaldean , ” “Syriac , ” and some other responses would be grouped into the category ” Assyrian/Chaldean /Syriac . ” Mr. Sargon Dadesho, the racist assyrian filed suit to challenge those plans , arguing that “Chaldean ” is a religion and not an ethnic group and therefore should not be placed in the ancestry category name along with Assyrian.
United States of America and the Bureu of Census spent American tax payers funds for 2 years to defeat this firvolous and racist lawsuit by the political assyrians nationalists
The US government and Bureau of Census responded with their comments:
“After 2 years of extensive research and consultations with interested parties ( including plaintiffs, other Assyrians , and Chaldeans ) that were held prior to Census 2000 , the Census Bureau adopted the categorization plan to be used in Census 2000. This proposal was put forth by Assyrian and Chaldean representatives with whom the agency had consulted.”
In their suit , plaintiffs claimed that defendants ‘ actions were in violation of the Establishment Clause 426 of the First Amendment to the Constitution and Section 221 ( c) 427 of Title 13 , U.S. Code, and were arbitrary and capricious (the standard of review for adjudicating final agency actions under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) ).
Plaintiffs sought preliminary and permanent injunctions to prevent defendants from using the planned categorization scheme with respect to the publication of ancestry data from Census 2000. They also sought a declaratory judgment that the planned classification was null and void , “arbitrary and capricious, ” and unauthorized by law.
The present lawsuit is extraordinary in that it , unlike virtually every other challenge to the census , does not even allege that Plaintiffs have . . . [or will suffer] any concrete injuries such as a loss of funding or a congressional representative-but merely asserts the amorphous and untenable claim that all Assyrians will somehow be stigmatized by the Census Bureau’s actions.

On October 5 , 2000 , the district court issued an order granting defendants ‘ motion to dismiss or for summary judgment and denying plaintiffs ‘ motion for preliminary injunction.437 In granting defendants ‘ motion , the court rejected plaintiffs ‘ constitutional claim. However, the court found that the Census Bureau’s decision regarding the use of the category heading “Chaldean/Syriac/Assyrian” was a “final agency action ” subject to review under the APA. The court held that the Census Bureau’s decision could not be characterized as “ . . . arbitrary , capricious , an abuse of discretion , or otherwise not in accordance with law, ” noting that “. . . there is a rational basis for the decision based on a consideration of relevant factors . ”
On October 16 , plaintiffs (Sargon Dadesho, assyrian nationalist accused of racism) filed a motion for reconsideration . That motion was denied by the court on November 15 , 2000. Plaintiffs did not appeal the district court ruling .
Source: “2000 Census of Population and Housing” by United States of American, US Census of Bureau History, December 2009, Page 583