Anti-Trump Brain washed

  Just a little dose of education to those brainwashed by the mainstream media about Donald Trump, read between the lines and do some background...

I am Chaldean, speak Chaldean and from the Chaldean Nation.  No one will tell...

"I am Chaldean, speak Chaldean and from the Chaldean Nation.  No one will tell me who I am!" "For 2,500 years, my Chaldean nation survived...

Trump’s Dump moves to Canada

The influx of refugees from USA to CANADA is a warning sign of destruction. It might take U.S. Intelligence and past experience to expel...

Chaldeans and Self-determination Between Past and Present

By Father Paulus Sati All are flocking to divide the cake of Mosul and Ninewa Plain and liberation has yet to be claimed, yet...

Hillary Clinton’s offensive remarks “Deplorables”

Hillary Clinton's campaign remarks calling Donald Trump's supporters "a half basket of deplorables" is offensive to Americans voters. That hypocrite claimed Donald Trump is...

The American Republican National Convention

Good Morning my fellow Chaldean sisters and brothers. I had been following the Republican Convention on CNN. No one in United State's history had...

Who Are The Modern Day Assyrians?

  In the field of Near Eastern Studies, one is bound to study the civilization of the Great Assyrian Empire, chiefly that of the Neo-Assyrian...

الكلدان وتحديد المصير بين الماضي والحاضر

الأب بولس ساتي للفادي الأقدس الكل يتهافت على تقسيم كعكة الموصل و سهل نينوى والتحرير لم يتم بعد والأكراد يعلنون عن الإحتفاظ بالمواقع المحررة والحكومة...

Why Vote for President Donald Trump!

Any one who's Pro- Terrorism, illegal immigration, Mexican Drug Carterl, bribery, obstruction of justice, corruption, wars in the Middle East, anti-Christians, the genocide of...

What Happened at The Democratic National Convention DNC?

I wonder if Hillary Clinton is running for United States of America president or Hollywood star.  Following her convention in Philadelphia on CNN, was...
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رسالة سكان العراق الأصليين “الكلدان” إلى الحكومة العراقية

الكلدان ملح أرض العراق وخميرة أزدهاره السيد عبد اللطيف رشيد رئيس جمهورية العراق...

CECA President Letter to Mr. Harvey, International Religious Freedom

This important letter was sent by the president of the Chaldean Educational Center of America (CECA) to Mr. Harvey, Patrick, Senior...

Nestorian Patriarch Mar Awa III Failed to Convince his Nestorian People. Chaldean People Do...

Open Letter to the Nestorian Patriarch Mar Awa III By Deacon Dr. Gorgis...