

Chaldean Native history of Mesopotamia and the world

Chaldean Calendar 2021 التقويم القومي الكلداني

Dear All, Over the last 20 years, I had the honor and the pleasure to...

I am Chaldean, speak Chaldean and from the Chaldean Nation.  No one will tell...

"I am Chaldean, speak Chaldean and from the Chaldean Nation.  No one will tell me who I am!" "For 2,500 years, my Chaldean nation survived...

الهوية الكلدانية في الوثائق التاريخية

الهوية الكلدانية في الوثائق التاريخية   النص الكامل لبحث المطران د. سرهد يوسپ جـمّو عند قدوم رسل المسيح الى بلاد النهرين وفارس، كانت هذه البقاع تحت سيطرة...

This is our “Chaldean Identity and Language” by Chaldean Synod 2017

This is our "Chaldean Identity and Language" by Chaldean Synod 2017 Official Communication, Chaldean Synod 2017, Rome, Italy October 4 to 8th, 2017.  The Chaldean church Bishops...

Iraqi Christians are mostly Ethnic Chaldeans and Syriacs – Official Records

2017, Published research by Chaldean Patriarch Website: http://saint-adday.com/?p=16225 The following information provides some details about the liberated towns in Nineveh Plain: Towns liberated by Iraqi forces:...

Chaldeans are Natives of Mosul and Mardin, Mesopotamia, Report by American Board of Commissioners

Who is the The American Board of Commissioners? This is a powerful gathering of American leaders and scholars.  Every American state is represented by important...

Who Are The Modern Day Assyrians?

  In the field of Near Eastern Studies, one is bound to study the civilization of the Great Assyrian Empire, chiefly that of the Neo-Assyrian...

Chaldeanism of the Athorees (modern Assyrians) … irrefutable historical facts / Part I

Chaldeanism of the Athorees (modern Assyrians) ... irrefutable historical facts (thorough research and extensive documentation) / Part I No one can claim that there is...

The Real Truth About Chaldeans and Assyrians

For decades now there have been ongoing debates about the legitimacy over the two seemingly native groups of Mesopotamia – Chaldeans and Assyrians. The...

Babylon, the Eternal Capital of the Chaldean People

Chaldeans are the ethnic people of Mesopotamia Iraq. The only surviving indigenous people until today. Babylon is the eternal Chaldean capital. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM4JqBqT2ao
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