Teaching the Chaldean Language, Chicago 1920
Chaldean Language, Chicago 1920
By Chaldean Father Samuel David
Chaldean Identity in Historical Documents
Chaldean Identity in Historical Documents
Research Published by Bishop Mar Sarhad Youssab Jammo, PHD
When the...
Chaldean Persecution Letter to Secretary of State John Kerry
This important letter was sent by the president of the Chaldean Educational Center of America (CECA) to the Hon. John Kerry, the...
Welcome Nisannu 7321k / April 2021 Year
أهلاً بشهر نيسان ... التقويم القومي الكلداني 7321ك
AKITU 7321 Chaldean Babylonian New Year
Chaldean people celebration of native Chaldean history and Mesopotamian culture.
Starts on the first day of...
Chaldean Calendar 2021 التقويم القومي الكلداني
Dear All,
Over the last 20 years, I had the honor and the pleasure to...
“Chaldean church faith is Catholic. Ethnicity of our people is Chaldean”
“Chaldean church faith is Catholic. Ethnicity of our people is CHALDEAN. There is no faith called Chaldean in the world. ...
“The (Chaldean) Fathers stress the Chaldean identity and language and rejected other labels and...
By Chaldean Synod, Rome, Italy
Our Chaldean language and Chaldean ethnicity is our soul and native heritage ...
Akitu 7319 Chaldean New Year
Chaldeans, the native people of Mesopotamia Iraq, Southern Turkey, Syria and Western Iran are celebrating our Babylonian new year AKITU 7319. ...
عاجل … البابا فرنسيس يعلن البطريرك ساكو كردينالاً
إعلام البطريركية
أعلن البابا فرنسيس اليوم 20 أيار 2018 في صلاة التبشير الملائكي عن ترقيته لأربعة عشر كردينالاً جديداً وجاء إسم غبطة أبينا البطريرك لويس...