I am Chaldean, speak Chaldean and from the Chaldean Nation. No one will tell...
"I am Chaldean, speak Chaldean and from the Chaldean Nation. No one will tell me who I am!"
"For 2,500 years, my Chaldean nation survived...
Judith Miller, The New York Times Journalist Provoked Unjust War on Iraq in 2003
One reporter famed as top New York Times journalist; Judith Miller is the single source of all...
عاجل … البابا فرنسيس يعلن البطريرك ساكو كردينالاً
إعلام البطريركية
أعلن البابا فرنسيس اليوم 20 أيار 2018 في صلاة التبشير الملائكي عن ترقيته لأربعة عشر كردينالاً جديداً وجاء إسم غبطة أبينا البطريرك لويس...
How Did Chaldeans Compute Their National Calendar, 5300 BC to Present?
DOWNLOAD and SHARE the ARTICLE"How did Chaldeans compute their National Calendar, 5300 BC to Present?"Download
On the occasion...
Our Chaldean Cousins From Abraham of Ur of the Chaldeans
San Diego Jewish Press-Heritage, Aug. 23, 2002
By Donald H. Harrison
And He...
Chaldean Persecution Letter to Secretary of State John Kerry
This important letter was sent by the president of the Chaldean Educational Center of America (CECA) to the Hon. John Kerry, the...
Iraqi Christians are mostly Ethnic Chaldeans and Syriacs – Official Records
2017, Published research by Chaldean Patriarch Website: http://saint-adday.com/?p=16225
The following information provides some details about the liberated towns in Nineveh Plain:
Towns liberated by Iraqi forces:...
اكـذوبة الـفـرضيـة الآشوريـة
د . كوركيس مردو
الجـزء الأول
ان مقالتي هذه رد على ما كتبه الـداعية الآشوري آشور كيوركيس في موقع كتابات في 19 / 6 /...
Iraqi Chaldeans, Syriacs and Assyrians are entitled to their full civil rights
Republishing Chaldean Bishop Mar Sarhad Jammo, PHD statement from 2006
The regional map of the Middle East, particularly Iraq,...
Chaldean Calendar 2021 التقويم القومي الكلداني
Dear All,
Over the last 20 years, I had the honor and the pleasure to...