What Diversity means in Canada and USA

What Conservative M.P. Kellie Leitch of Ontario Canada is talking about vetting immigrants for anti Canadian Values is right on the mark. I could...

كلدانية الاثوريون .. حقيقة تاريخية دامغة (بحث شامل و موسع بالوثائق ) الجزء...

كلدانية الاثوريون .. حقيقة تاريخية دامغة (بحث شامل و موسع بالوثائق ) الجزء الأول لا يمكن الادعاء ابداً ان هنالك قومية اشورية مستمرة في...

Trump the President of UNITED STATES of AMERICA

After all it's been said and done, my husband and I stayed up late last night as the electoral votes were turning up until...

American/Canadian Military in Afghanistan

For the life of me, I still don't understand what's the purpose of our men and women serving in Afghanistan. One would ask, why...

Chaldeanism of the Athorees (modern Assyrians) … irrefutable historical facts / Part I

Chaldeanism of the Athorees (modern Assyrians) ... irrefutable historical facts (thorough research and extensive documentation) / Part I No one can claim that there is...

البطريرك النسطوري مار آوا الثالث لا يستطيع إقناع شعبه

د . كوركيس مردو الى البطريرك النسطوري مار...

The President is not your friend

Trump might be not perfect, sometimes disrespectful, I don't CARE because he's not going to be your personal friend or neighbor you can't afford to...

الهوية الكلدانية في الوثائق التاريخية

الهوية الكلدانية في الوثائق التاريخية   النص الكامل لبحث المطران د. سرهد يوسپ جـمّو عند قدوم رسل المسيح الى بلاد النهرين وفارس، كانت هذه البقاع تحت سيطرة...

Chaldean Nation Road Map by Bishop Dr. Sarhad Jammo

By Bishop Dr. Sarhad Y. Jammo I- The Chaldean Nation A- Identity: Ancient Iraq, or Mesopotamia, has a rich and complex history and culture. Sumerian and Akkadian...

The Lie of the Assyrian Hypothesis

Dr . Gorgis Mardo This article of mine is a response to what the Assyrian preacher Ashur Georgis wrote on the Katitabat...
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Nestorian Patriarch Mar Awa III Failed to Convince his Nestorian People. Chaldean People Do...

Open Letter to the Nestorian Patriarch Mar Awa III By Deacon Dr. Gorgis...

البطريرك النسطوري مار آوا الثالث لا يستطيع إقناع شعبه

د . كوركيس مردو الى البطريرك النسطوري مار...

Chaldean People in 339 AD

‪CHALDEANS are UNITED CHALDEAN is our true #ethnicity (Catholic and Nestorian faith) representing our UNITY and IDENTITY...